"Mrs. Webb’s reputation is iconic. She allows students’ inner artist to be released through her projects."
"She is beloved in the community for her warmth, [and] yet relentless pursuit of student excellence.
Magic happens in her classroom."

What is Studio13?
Studio13 is a place for adolescent writers, readers, and thinkers to explore their potential and discover new joy in learning. Known for her creativity and care, Jane works personally with each student to find the best way to accelerate individual growth.
Studio13 The Art of Acceleration is not remediation, tutoring, or even “lite” enrichment, but intentionally crafted teaching designed to challenge and grow young minds. Jane teaches engaging academic units: the art of revising, the art of poetry, the art of Shakespeare, the art of Socratic seminars, and the art of diagramming sentences. Yes, even grammar and syntax can amuse a middle school adolescent.
It is magical.

This class is for the writer who loves the challenge of rigorous instruction and recognizes the first draft is not the best draft. Perfection is not the goal; a strenuously revised paper is.
In this fast-paced class, Jane will introduce students to the parts of speech as well as the parts of a sentence and teach them the intrigue and art of diagramming sentences.
Students read and compose poetry to discover how precise word selection and arrangement of phrases create profound images and stories. The real goal?
To play with words.
Contact Jane